So Cold!!!
Some good stuff from this week:
So with the freezing temperature.... Pipes were freezing. So we had zone meeting on Tuesday and we just finish with a closing pray. Two missionaries go out to go to the bathroom while everyone else is still just chatting. They come back in saying that the water is spraying from the ceiling..... Wow, holy cow! We run down the hall to see. Water was coming out of the ceiling with the pressure of a fire
hydrate! It was crazy. Luckily with 30 missionaries, we were able to save important documents, computers, and minimize the damage. Haha it was pretty fun, kind of like a huge water fight in a church :0 I'll try to get some pictures from the other missionaries... Of course some missionaries just stood there and took pictures and videos..... Missionaries now days :/ haha
Nice Sunset picture after a crazy day
The Murphy family did make it to church :) first time. They said they loved it. Ill try and get a pic with them up here sometime :) did I tell u they have an Akita? It has killed 3 dogs but I love this dog. Haha it is sweet!!
Just me and my nice scarf From Lisa Vilchez <3
With all the craziness of the temperature this week the missionary work was better than ever. Found
some more families and are teaching tons! I love this area! But for a thought this week, kind of the
More and more I am seeing on my mission, just by loving someone and having faith that they will come around: Miracles happen. We are seeing this everyday in this area, never lose hope. Some people need to go off the deep end for a bit so they can realize the blessings of the gospel. To each
their own :)
Along with that I would like to share a talk I read this week. Out of this past general conference! Titled: Ye Are No More Strangers
I would just like to quote one part of that here;
During His earthly ministry, Jesus was an example of one who went far beyond the simple obligation of hospitality and tolerance. Those who were excluded from society, those who were rejected and considered to be impure by the self-righteous, were given His compassion and respect. They received an equal part of His teachings and ministry.
We can learn a lot from Jesus Christ. Everyone deserves compassion, respect, love, and equality. Challenge this week. Love everyone, especially the haters :)
Sheetz or Die. :0
Thanks everyone! Love you guys and thanks for ur prays and support.
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